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Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2016)                   Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2016, 6(1): 32-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Bastaminia A, Rezaie M R, Saraie M H. Explaining and Analyzing the Concept of Resiliency and its Indicators and Frameworks in Natural Disasters. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2016; 6 (1) :32-46
URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-38-en.html
1- University of yazd
Abstract:   (10434 Views)

Background and objective: Despite passing over three decades of basic research on resilience, but this concept lacks a comprehensive and operational understanding in the various scientific fields including disaster management. Many existing contradictions on the meaning of resilience arises from cognitive tendencies, methodological approaches and conceptual basic differences, as well as the views which focus on researches in ecological, social or a combination of both systems. So, the present study reviews and analyzes concepts, indicators and frameworks of resilience in disaster management.

 This study is a review study that Library and internet various resources were used. And a total of 136 articles finds and reviews, and valid documentation 77 related articles were extracted and analyzed.

Method: This is a review study that the library and internet documents and resources were used. 77 relevant articles from a total of 136 articles were reviewed and analyzed.

Findings: According to the study, all of the definitions of the resiliency are indicated on the importance of continuing research towards creating operational definitions of resilience, resilience recognition as a complex structure in which individuals, families, organizations, based on the spatial and temporal conditions as well as the level of development and culture of a society have various degrees of resilience. Among the conceptual approaches, the two approaches of stability and recovery have a certain conception of resilience so that they considered the resiliency of a society (individual or ecological system) as an inherent characteristic that enables it to be accommodated with an operating pressure factor or not. But in the third approach i.e. The resiliency as a transition, the difference between social and ecological resilience becomes clear.

Conclusion: This study, according to the different dimensions of resilience definitions in the field of natural disasters, according to the many studies, accepted the definition of Carpenter et al (2001) as a more appropriate and practical definition. The combination of evaluation model of Haitian resilience and ResilUS framework -"resiliency center of United States", that is based on measurable aspects of social capital, operating multi-dimensional resiliency, the scale of hierarchy - family, business, neighborhood and society in relation to a wide range of decision variables and politics and support each other in every scale, are the best framework for measuring the resiliency of disaster-stricken communities.

Key words: Resiliency, Approaches, Indicators, Frameworks, Natural Disasters

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Type of Study: ترویجی | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/12/26 | Accepted: 2016/04/23 | ePublished: 2016/07/23

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