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Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2021)                   Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2021, 11(2): 147-157 | Back to browse issues page

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Alborzi M, Khoshbalht F. Living experience of mothers in Respect for citizenship rights in the Crisis Covid-19. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2021; 11 (2) :147-157
URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-400-en.html
1- Head of the Scientific Center for Citizenship Education and the faculty of the Foundations of Education Department of Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
2- Member of the Scientific Center for Citizenship Education and the faculty of the Foundations of Education Department of Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (1683 Views)
Background and Objectives: In the contemporary world  healthy and peaceful life depends on paying attention to people's rights and commitment to themselves and others. In this regard, when a crisis such as the Covid crisis 19 affects human society, citizenship rights and how to respect it are essential, since the basis of learning in the family, especially in relation to mothers, and children acquire social roles by modeling their mothers' behaviors, understanding mothers' perceptions is very important. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the living experience  of preschool mothers of the respect for citizenship rights in the Corona crisis.
Method: The aim of the present study was to study living experience  of preschool mothers of the respect for citizenship rights in the Corona crisis. The study was conducted qualitatively by Husserl descriptive phenomenology. Potential participants in the study, 13 mothers with preschool children were purposefully selected in  criterion method with the principle of sample saturation and were surveyed by semi-structured (telephone) interviews. According to the type of research, during the interviews, mothers 'familiarity with of their role models for their children and familiarity with corona disease were examined, and finally mothers' understanding of the concept of citizenship rights in the corona crisis was examined.
Findings: The analysis of the interviews by means of a network of themes included two comprehensive themes including individual responsibility to society and community responsibility to the individual and 9 organizing themes include the right to physical health, mental health, social health, the right to education, economic law, communication with others, appropriate behaviors in public places and appropriate behaviors in the environment. Also the basic themes included include 32 themes including health protocol compliance. Unemployment, stress management, appropriate educational facilities, observance of social distance, masking, access to health and medical services, etc.
Conclusions: Because there is no definitive cure for Covid19 disease, prevention and adherence to health protocols is a citizenship right that everyone in the community must respect. The findings of the present study in the living experience  of preschool mothers confirmed the need to pay attention to respect for the rules and principles that lead to the survival of the individual and society.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/03/27 | Accepted: 2021/04/18 | ePublished: 2021/05/30

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