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Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring- In Press 2025)                   Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2025, 15(1): 3-3 | Back to browse issues page

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Ehrambaf shooshtar A, Samouei P, Messi Bidgoli M. Evaluation and Prioritization of Critical Nodes in Urban Infrastructure Networks With the Aim of Increasing Resilience Against Crisis. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2025; 15 (1) :3-3
URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-709-en.html
1- Faculty of Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
Abstract:   (237 Views)
Background and purpose: vital infrastructures such as water, electricity and sewage, as the vital arteries of modern societies, are highly interdependent. Disruption in one of these infrastructures can affect other infrastructures in a cascade manner and disrupt the entire system. In this research, with the aim of increasing the resilience of these complex networks against crisis, we are modeling the interdependencies between them and prioritizing critical nodes.
Method: Based on the urban network of Sioux Falls in South Dakota, taking into account the network nature of these infrastructures, we identify the most critical points of these networks in order to strengthen them, using Dimtel methods and the root evaluation method. In this network, 21 nodes are our options and there are five main criteria of node capacity, supply node, transmission node, connection with other networks such as communication and repair cost, and three sub-criteria of electricity, water and sewage infrastructure, which is the main criterion number. is to which the subcriteria belong. In order to use the root evaluation method in order to prioritize the nodes, we obtain the weights of the criteria using the Dimtel method. Then, using the root evaluation method, we prioritize critical nodes in order to strengthen interdependent infrastructure networks in the pre-crisis phase.
Findings: The results of using the Dimtel method to determine the relative weight of each criterion show that the node capacity criterion is the most important in decision-making, and as a result, increasing the capacity of nodes will have a significant effect on improving the system performance. Also, in most cases, the electricity sub-criterion has the highest local weight among the sub-criteria of each main criterion, which confirms the importance of electricity infrastructure in this issue. Using these results, it is possible to prioritize network development projects and allocate resources optimally. The ranking of critical nodes shows that the critical nodes identified in the ranking are usually nodes that play a key role in several infrastructures or have many dependencies with other nodes. This shows that strengthening these nodes can significantly improve the performance of the entire network. In addition, the complex interdependencies between different infrastructures show that a disruption in one infrastructure can have a far-reaching effect on the performance of other infrastructures. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to infrastructure strengthening is necessary, in which all interdependencies and interactions between infrastructures are considered. Parameters such as capacity, repair time and reinforcement cost also play an important role in determining the importance of nodes. Nodes with high capacity and short repair time are less important because their disruption can be compensated quickly.
Conclusion: The findings show that the node capacity criterion, as the most influential factor, played a key role in the management and improvement of infrastructure networks. The results of using the root evaluation method showed that nodes with high capacity and great impact on the network, including nodes number 5, 6, 13, and 15, were identified as critical points that require more attention and strengthening. If these nodes fail, they can have extensive effects on the entire network, and therefore, their careful prioritization is necessary to allocate resources and implement remedial programs. Reinforcement of identified nodes and infrastructure optimization can significantly increase the resilience and stability of critical infrastructure networks. Because knowing and analyzing the interdependencies between the nodes of water, sewage and electricity infrastructure networks is necessary to improve the stability and resilience of these networks. By identifying the critical nodes and strengthening them, it is possible to prevent widespread disruptions and ensure the stable operation of the network. The results of this study will help decision makers to increase the resilience of critical infrastructure and make society more resistant to crises by optimally allocating resources. As a result, to increase the resilience of the infrastructure network, it is suggested that the limited resources to strengthen the infrastructure be focused on the identified critical nodes. These nodes are usually transmission nodes or major facilities where a disruption can have a widespread impact on the entire network. Also, special attention should be paid to the dependencies between infrastructures and necessary measures should be taken to reduce these dependencies.

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/08/14 | Accepted: 2024/10/14 | ePublished: 2025/03/30

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